Summer. . . sweet summer. . . For most, summertime means relaxation time. For me, summertime has always meant catch up time. As a teacher, I have found there is a common misconception about summer among individuals outside of the realm of education. They imagine I will spend my dog days of summer lounging by the pool, sipping lemonade, and enjoying the quiet. Many of these same people would argue I should be in my classroom teaching year round since they have to work year round. I can't imagine life without summer. . . come to think of it, I have never experienced it. I LOVE summer! I am quite confident I wouldn't survive a career that didn't include at least a 2 month hiatus of some sort. I spend the school year running at full speed, barely keeping my head above water, juggling my endless responsibilities. All the while, I am secretly making a list of the countless things that have gone undone. The scrapbook for my daughter, the closet that needs to be cleaned, the garage sale I have been collecting items for, the papers to be filed, the toy to be fixed, the doctor appointments, not to mention my hair that is completely out of control! Anything that was pushed aside during the year is left to be completed, you guessed it, during summer vacation. I take great satisfaction in marking things off my "Summer To Do" list that stays neatly tucked in the back of my planner. Each year the list seems impossible to complete and in truth I know it is. However, this year is going to be different! I am more determined than ever and I have a new plan to make sure this happens. . . wait. . . actually I don't. I'm sure this summer will pass by in a blink just as the others have done before. Ultimately, I will be forced to pick and choose what must get done and what can wait for next summer. This is the plight of a teacher. I'm pretty sure "Don't put off next summer, what you can get done today" should be my motto.
As I ended my day today feeling accomplished, I was reminded of the real reason I find summer amazing. . . time. My real plan this summer is to slow down a little. That should have been the first thing on my "Summer To Do" list. While I love the hustle and bustle of a busy school year, I know life is passing me by as I cruise from one event to the next. I did end my first "official" day of summer feeling accomplished; however it's not because I was able to mark through a single item on my list. I feel accomplished because I took the time to enjoy the little things. Not once did I rush my daughter, I was patient, I played in the backyard with our dogs, I even cut roses from my rose bush and brought them in to enjoy. Sure, I wish I could say everyday was like that, but that's not reality. Time is a luxury that we don't always have, however I have decided that when I do. . . I'm going to take a deep breath and enjoy it!
I know I am not alone in feeling this way. I'm sure I can speak for countless moms, wives, daughters, sisters, and friends in a wide range of professions. We all need to take the time to slow down. While it is easier said than done, trust me, it's so worth it! Next time your little one bends down to play in the dirt or search for a rock while you're out running an errand, take a minute to slow down and let them enjoy life. I know one thing for sure. . . you might not now, but one day. . . you will sure wish you had!
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